''' custom events and event subsribers '''
from pyramid.events import subscriber
from pyramid.renderers import render
from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
from pyramid_mailer.message import Message
# custom events
class UserNotification(object):
''' base class for user notification emails
:param pyramid.request.Request request: current request object
:param ordr.models.account.Users account: send notification to this user
:param dict data: additional data to pass to the mail template
#: subject of the notification
subject = None
#: template to render
template = None
def __init__(self, request, account, data=None):
self.request = request
self.account = account
self.data = data
class ActivationNotification(UserNotification):
''' user notification for account activation '''
subject = '[ordr] Your account was activated'
template = 'ordr:templates/emails/activation.jinja2'
class OrderStatusNotification(UserNotification):
''' user notification for order status change '''
subject = '[ordr] Order Status Change'
template = 'ordr:templates/emails/order.jinja2'
class PasswordResetNotification(UserNotification):
''' user notification for password reset link '''
subject = '[ordr] Password Reset'
template = 'ordr:templates/emails/password_reset.jinja2'
class RegistrationNotification(UserNotification):
''' user notification for account activation '''
subject = '[ordr] Please verify your email address'
template = 'ordr:templates/emails/registration.jinja2'
# subsribers for events
def notify_user(event):
''' notify a user about an event '''
body = render(
{'user': event.account, 'data': event.data},
message = Message(
mailer = get_mailer(event.request.registry)