''' Tests for the root resource '''
import pytest
def test_root_init():
from ordr.resources import RootResource
root = RootResource('request')
assert root.__name__ is None
assert root.__parent__ is None
assert root.request == 'request'
def test_root_acl():
from pyramid.security import Allow, Everyone, DENY_ALL
from ordr.resources import RootResource
root = RootResource(None)
assert root.__acl__() == [(Allow, Everyone, 'view'), DENY_ALL]
def test_root_getitem():
from ordr.resources import RootResource
from ordr.resources.account import RegistrationResource
root = RootResource(None)
child = root['register']
assert isinstance(child, RegistrationResource)
assert child.__name__ == 'register'
assert child.__parent__ == root
assert child.request == root.request
def test_root_getitem_raises_error():
from ordr.resources import RootResource
root = RootResource(None)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
root['unknown child name']