import deform
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest, DummyResource
from .. import ( # noqa: F401
'username': 'AmyMcDonald',
'first_name': 'Amy',
'last_name': 'McDonald',
'email': 'amy.mcdonald@example.com',
'__start__': 'password:mapping',
'password': 'Make Amy McDonald A Rich Girl Fund',
'password-confirm': 'Make Amy McDonald A Rich Girl Fund',
'__end__': 'password:mapping',
'create': 'create account'
def test_registration_form():
''' test the view for the registration form '''
from ordr.resources.account import RegistrationResource
from ordr.schemas.account import RegistrationSchema
from ordr.views.registration import registration_form
request = DummyRequest()
parent = DummyResource(request=request)
context = RegistrationResource(name=None, parent=parent)
result = registration_form(context, None)
form = result['form']
assert isinstance(form, deform.Form)
assert isinstance(form.schema, RegistrationSchema)
def test_registration_form_valid(dbsession): # noqa: F811
''' test processing the registration form with valid data '''
from ordr.models.account import User, Role, TokenSubject
from ordr.resources.account import RegistrationResource
from ordr.views.registration import registration_form_processing
request = get_post_request(data, dbsession=dbsession)
parent = DummyResource(request=request)
context = RegistrationResource(name=None, parent=parent)
result = registration_form_processing(context, request)
# return value of function call
assert isinstance(result, HTTPFound)
assert result.location == 'http://example.com//verify'
# user should be added to database
user = dbsession.query(User).first()
assert user.username == data['username']
assert user.first_name == data['first_name']
assert user.last_name == data['last_name']
assert user.email == data['email']
assert user.check_password(data['password'])
assert user.role == Role.UNVALIDATED
# a token should be created
token = user.tokens[0]
assert token.subject == TokenSubject.REGISTRATION
# a verification email should be sent
# this is tested in the functional test since request.registry.notify
# doesn't know about event subscribers in the unittest
def test_registration_form_invalid(dbsession): # noqa: F811
''' test processing registration form with invalid data '''
from ordr.views.registration import registration_form_processing
from ordr.resources.account import RegistrationResource
data['email'] = 'not an email address'
request = get_post_request(data, dbsession=dbsession)
parent = DummyResource(request=request)
context = RegistrationResource(name=None, parent=parent)
result = registration_form_processing(context, request)
assert result['form'].error is not None
def test_registration_form_no_create_button(dbsession): # noqa: F811
''' test processing registration form, create button not clicked '''
from ordr.views.registration import registration_form_processing
from ordr.resources.account import RegistrationResource
request = get_post_request(data, dbsession=dbsession)
parent = DummyResource(request=request)
context = RegistrationResource(name=None, parent=parent)
result = registration_form_processing(context, request)
assert result.location == 'http://example.com//'
def test_registration_verify():
''' test the view displaying that a verifcation email has been sent '''
from ordr.views.registration import verify
result = verify(None, None)
assert result == {}
def test_registration_completed(dbsession): # noqa: F811
''' test the view for the completed registration process '''
from ordr.models.account import User, Role, Token, TokenSubject
from ordr.views.registration import completed
request = DummyRequest(dbsession=dbsession)
user = get_example_user(Role.UNVALIDATED)
user.issue_token(request, TokenSubject.REGISTRATION)
token = user.tokens[0]
context = DummyResource(model=token)
result = completed(context, request)
assert result == {}
assert user.role == Role.NEW
assert dbsession.query(Token).count() == 0
assert dbsession.query(User).count() == 1