''' User Authentication and Authorization '''
from passlib.context import CryptContext
from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy
from pyramid.authorization import ACLAuthorizationPolicy
from pyramid.security import Authenticated, Everyone
from pyramid.settings import aslist
from ordr.models.account import User
#: passlib context for hashing passwords
# at least one scheme must be set in advance, will be overridden by the
# settings in the .ini file.
password_context = CryptContext(schemes=['argon2'])
class AuthenticationPolicy(AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy):
''' How to authenticate users '''
def authenticated_userid(self, request):
''' returns the id of an authenticated user
heavy lifting done in get_user() attached to request
user = request.user
if user is not None:
return user.id
def effective_principals(self, request):
''' returns a list of principals for the user '''
principals = [Everyone]
user = request.user
if user is not None:
return principals
def get_user(request):
''' retrieves the user object by the unauthenticated user id
:param pyramid.request.Request request:
the current request object
:rtype: :class:`ordr.models.account.User` or None
user_id = request.unauthenticated_userid
if user_id is not None:
user = request.dbsession.query(User).filter_by(id=user_id).first()
if user and user.is_active:
return user
return None
def crypt_context_settings_to_string(settings, prefix='passlib.'):
''' returns a passlib context setting as a INI-formatted content
:param dict settings: settings for the crypt context
:param str prefix: prefix of the settings keys
:rtype: (str) config string in INI format for CryptContext.load()
This looks at first like a dump hack, but the parsing of all possible
context settings is quite a task. Since passlib has a context parser
included, this seems the most reliable way to do it.
config_lines = ['[passlib]']
for ini_key, value in settings.items():
if ini_key.startswith(prefix):
context_key = ini_key.replace(prefix, '')
# the pyramid .ini format is different on lists
# than the .ini format used by passlib.
if context_key in {'schemes', 'deprecated'} and ',' not in value:
value = ','.join(aslist(value))
config_lines.append(f'{context_key} = {value}')
return '\n'.join(config_lines)
def includeme(config):
''' initializing authentication, authorization and password hash settings
Activate this setup using ``config.include('ordr.security')``.
settings = config.get_settings()
# configure the passlib context manager for hashing user passwords
config_str = crypt_context_settings_to_string(settings, prefix='passlib.')
# config for authentication and authorization
authn_policy = AuthenticationPolicy(
settings.get('auth.secret', ''),
# attach the get_user function returned by get_user_closure()
config.add_request_method(get_user, 'user', reify=True)