''' tests for the login, logout, registration and account settings'''
import pytest
from pyramid_mailer import get_mailer
from . import testapp, get_token_url
from .. import get_user
def test_account_register_authenticated_users(testapp):
''' registration page should not be accessible for authenticated users '''
response = testapp.get('/account/register', status=403)
assert response.status.startswith('403')
def test_account_register_unauthenticated(testapp):
''' test the registration page for a unauthenticated user '''
response = testapp.get('/account/register')
# basic content test
assert 'Ordr | Account Registration' in response
# test the main nav section links and highlighting
li_one, li_two = response.html.find_all('li', class_='nav-item')
assert 'active' not in li_one['class']
assert li_one.find('a').text == 'FAQs'
assert 'active' in li_two['class']
assert li_two.find('a').text == 'Register'
# check for the registration form
form = response.html.find('form', class_='registration')
assert form is not None
def test_account_registeration_flow(testapp):
''' test the complete registration process '''
# submit the registration form
response = testapp.get('/account/register')
form = response.forms[1]
form['username'] = 'AmyMcDonald'
form['first_name'] = 'Amy'
form['last_name'] = 'McDonald'
form['email'] = 'amy@example.com'
form['password'] = 'Amy'
form['password-confirm'] = 'Amy'
response = form.submit()
assert response.location == 'http://localhost/account/registered'
response = response.follow()
assert 'Verify Your Email Address' in response
assert 'consider a longer password' in response
# click the email verification token
mailer = get_mailer(testapp.app.registry)
email = mailer.outbox[-1]
assert email.subject == '[ordr] Please verify your email address'
token_link = get_token_url(email)
response = testapp.get(token_link)
assert 'Account Registration Completed' in response
# logging in should not work
form = response.forms[0]
form['username'] = 'AmyMcDonald'
form['password'] = 'Amy'
response = form.submit()
assert '<!-- user is logged in -->' not in response
# activate the new user
response = testapp.get('/admin/users?role=new')
response = response.click('edit user')
form = response.forms[1]
form['role'] = 'USER'
# login should now work
response = testapp.get('/')
form = response.forms[0]
form['username'] = 'AmyMcDonald'
form['password'] = 'Amy'
response = form.submit()
assert '<!-- user is logged in -->' in response