''' Tests for ordr2.resources.account '''
import pytest
from pyramid.testing import DummyRequest
from .. import app_config, dbsession, get_user
# helper function
def get_root_resource(role_name=None, **kwargs):
''' return a root resource '''
from ordr2.resources import RootResource
user = get_user(role_name) if role_name else None
request = DummyRequest(user=user, **kwargs)
return RootResource(request)
# tests for token resources
def test_registration_token_acl():
''' test the access controll list of the registration token resource '''
from pyramid.security import Allow, Authenticated, Deny, Everyone, DENY_ALL
from ordr2.resources.account import RegistrationToken
root = get_root_resource()
resource = RegistrationToken(None, root, None)
assert resource.__acl__() == [
(Deny, Authenticated, 'register'),
(Allow, Everyone, 'register'),
def test_email_verification_token_acl(app_config):
''' test the access controll list of the email token resource '''
from pyramid.security import Allow, Authenticated, Deny, Everyone, DENY_ALL
from ordr2.models.account import User, Token
from ordr2.resources.account import EmailVerificationToken
root = get_root_resource('user')
token = Token(owner=root.request.user)
resource = EmailVerificationToken(None, root, token)
assert resource.__acl__() == [(Allow, 'user:3', 'settings'), DENY_ALL]
def test_password_reset_token_acl():
''' test the access controll list of the password token resource '''
from pyramid.security import Allow, Everyone, DENY_ALL
from ordr2.resources.account import ForgottenPasswordToken
root = get_root_resource()
resource = ForgottenPasswordToken(None, root, None)
assert resource.__acl__() == [
(Allow, Everyone, 'reset password'),
def test_account_resource_init():
''' test __init__ function of base resource '''
from ordr2.resources.account import AccountResource
root = get_root_resource('user')
resource = AccountResource('resource name', root)
assert resource.__name__ == 'resource name'
assert resource.__parent__ == root
assert resource.request == root.request
assert resource.model == root.request.user
def test_account_resource_acl():
''' test the access controll list of the account resource '''
from pyramid.security import Allow, Authenticated, Deny, Everyone, DENY_ALL
from ordr2.resources.account import AccountResource
root = get_root_resource()
resource = AccountResource('resource name', root)
assert resource.__acl__() == [
(Allow, Everyone, 'login'),
(Allow, Everyone, 'logout'),
(Deny, Authenticated, 'register'),
(Allow, Everyone, 'register'),
(Allow, Everyone, 'reset password'),
(Allow, Authenticated, 'settings'),
def test_account_resource_getitem_token_ok(app_config, dbsession):
''' test __getitem__ method returns correct token '''
from ordr2.models.account import TokenSubject
from ordr2.resources.account import (
root = get_root_resource('user', dbsession=dbsession)
user = root.request.user
hash = user.issue_token(root.request, TokenSubject.CHANGE_EMAIL)
account = AccountResource(None, root)
resource = account[hash]
assert isinstance(resource, EmailVerificationToken)
assert resource.__name__ == hash
assert resource.__parent__ == account
assert resource.model.hash == hash
assert resource.model.owner == root.request.user
def test_account_resource_getitem_token_not_found(dbsession):
''' test __getitem__ raises KeyError on unknown token hash '''
from ordr2.resources.account import AccountResource
root = get_root_resource('user', dbsession=dbsession)
account = AccountResource(None, root)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
resource = account['unknown token hash']
def test_account_resource_getitem_token_expired(dbsession):
''' test __getitem__ raises KeyError on unknown token hash '''
from datetime import datetime
from ordr2.models.account import Token, TokenSubject
from ordr2.resources.account import (
root = get_root_resource('user', dbsession=dbsession)
token = Token.issue(
token.expires = datetime(year=2000, month=1, day=1)
account = AccountResource(None, root)
with pytest.raises(KeyError) as excinfo:
resource = account[token.hash]
assert f'Token {token.hash} has expired' in str(excinfo.value)