import pathlib
import subprocess
SSH_KEY_FILE = "/mnt/Datenspeicher/snap-backup-dataset/backup_key"
SSH_REMOTE = "zfs_snap_backup@etha.cpi.imtek.uni-freiburg.de"
REMOTE_PATH = "zfs-backups"
ZFS_POOL = "Datenspeicher"
ZFS_ELAB_PREFIX = "elabfs-"
TMP_BACKUP_FOLDER = "/mnt/Datenspeicher/snap-backup-dataset/temporary-backups"
def call(arguments, as_text=False):
result = subprocess.run(
arguments, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=as_text
return result.stdout
def remote_call(arguments):
cmd = ["ssh", "-i", SSH_KEY_FILE, SSH_REMOTE]
return call(cmd, as_text=True)
def clean_split(text):
items = (item.strip() for item in text.split())
return [item for item in items if item]
def list_snapshots():
cmd = ["zfs", "list", "-t", "snapshot", "-H", "-o", "name", "-r", ZFS_POOL]
return clean_split(call(cmd, as_text=True))
def list_elab_snapshots():
result = {}
for snapshot in list_snapshots():
pool, snap_name = snapshot.split("/", 1)
if snap_name.startswith(ZFS_ELAB_PREFIX):
prefix_and_member, _ = snap_name.rsplit("@", 1)
member = prefix_and_member.replace(ZFS_ELAB_PREFIX, "")
if member not in result:
result[member] = []
return result
def gzip_filename(snapshot_name):
pool, name = snapshot_name.split("/", 1)
return f"{name}.gz"
def gzip_filepath(snapshot_name):
return pathlib.Path(TMP_BACKUP_FOLDER) / gzip_filename(snapshot_name)
def list_remote_backups(members):
result = {}
for member in members:
remote_sub_dir = f"{REMOTE_PATH}/{member}"
backups = clean_split(remote_call(["ls", remote_sub_dir]))
result[member] = set(backups)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
remote_call(["mkdir", remote_sub_dir])
result[member] = set()
return result
def backup_latest_snapshot(member, elab_snapshots, existing_backups):
print(f"backing up member {member}")
snapshots = sorted(elab_snapshots, reverse=True)
current_snapshot = snapshots[0]
latest_backup = None
for snapshot in snapshots:
if gzip_filename(snapshot) in existing_backups:
latest_backup = snapshot
if current_snapshot == latest_backup:
# nothing to back up
print(f"- nothing to backup, latest snapshot: {current_snapshot}")
elif latest_backup is None:
# no snapshot was found in backups, make a full backup for consistency
send_cmd = ["zfs", "send", current_snapshot]
print(f" - full backup, latest snapshot: {current_snapshot}")
# make an incremental backup
f" - incremental backup, from: {latest_backup} to: {current_snapshot}"
send_cmd = ["zfs", "send", "-I", latest_backup, current_snapshot]
# create the backup
tmp_gzip_filepath = gzip_filepath(current_snapshot)
print(f" - generating temporary backup file {tmp_gzip_filepath.name}")
with open(tmp_gzip_filepath, "wb") as file_handle:
gzip_in = subprocess.Popen(
"gzip", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=file_handle
subprocess.run(send_cmd, stdout=gzip_in, check=True)
# copy the backup to the remote server
print(" - copying temporary backup file")
remote_url = (
copy_cmd = ["scp", "-i", SSH_KEY_FILE, str(tmp_gzip_filepath), remote_url]
# remove the temporary file
print(" - removing temporary backup file")
def create_backups():
elab_snapshots = list_elab_snapshots()
existing_backups = list_remote_backups(elab_snapshots.keys())
for member, snapshots in elab_snapshots.items():
members_backups = existing_backups.get(member, [])
backup_latest_snapshot(member, snapshots, members_backups)
if __name__ == "__main__":