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8 years ago
// AccelStepper.h
/// \mainpage AccelStepper library for Arduino
/// This is the Arduino AccelStepper 1.2 library.
/// It provides an object-oriented interface for 2 or 4 pin stepper motors.
/// The standard Arduino IDE includes the Stepper library
/// ( for stepper motors. It is
/// perfectly adequate for simple, single motor applications.
/// AccelStepper significantly improves on the standard Arduino Stepper library in several ways:
/// \li Supports acceleration and deceleration
/// \li Supports multiple simultaneous steppers, with independent concurrent stepping on each stepper
/// \li API functions never delay() or block
/// \li Supports 2 and 4 wire steppers
/// \li Supports stepper drivers such as the Sparkfun EasyDriver (based on 3967 driver chip)
/// \li Very slow speeds are supported
/// \li Extensive API
/// \li Subclass support
/// The latest version of this documentation can be downloaded from
/// Example Arduino programs are included to show the main modes of use.
/// The version of the package that this documentation refers to can be downloaded
/// from
/// You can find the latest version at
/// Tested on Arduino Diecimila and Mega with arduino-0018 on OpenSuSE 11.1 and avr-libc-1.6.1-1.15,
/// cross-avr-binutils-2.19-9.1, cross-avr-gcc-4.1.3_20080612-26.5.
/// \par Installation
/// Install in the usual way: unzip the distribution zip file to the libraries
/// sub-folder of your sketchbook.
/// This software is Copyright (C) 2010 Mike McCauley. Use is subject to license
/// conditions. The main licensing options available are GPL V2 or Commercial:
/// \par Open Source Licensing GPL V2
/// This is the appropriate option if you want to share the source code of your
/// application with everyone you distribute it to, and you also want to give them
/// the right to share who uses it. If you wish to use this software under Open
/// Source Licensing, you must contribute all your source code to the open source
/// community in accordance with the GPL Version 2 when your application is
/// distributed. See
/// \par Commercial Licensing
/// This is the appropriate option if you are creating proprietary applications
/// and you are not prepared to distribute and share the source code of your
/// application. Contact for details.
/// \par Revision History
/// \version 1.0 Initial release
/// \version 1.1 Added speed() function to get the current speed.
/// \version 1.2 Added runSpeedToPosition() submitted by Gunnar Arndt.
/// \version 1.3 Added support for stepper drivers (ie with Step and Direction inputs) with _pins == 1
/// \author Mike McCauley (
// Copyright (C) 2009 Mike McCauley
// $Id: AccelStepper.h,v 1.2 2010/10/24 07:46:18 mikem Exp mikem $
#ifndef AccelStepper_h
#define AccelStepper_h
#if ARDUINO >= 100
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "wiring.h"
// These defs cause trouble on some versions of Arduino
#undef round
/// \class AccelStepper AccelStepper.h <AccelStepper.h>
/// \brief Support for stepper motors with acceleration etc.
/// This defines a single 2 or 4 pin stepper motor, or stepper moter with fdriver chip, with optional
/// acceleration, deceleration, absolute positioning commands etc. Multiple
/// simultaneous steppers are supported, all moving
/// at different speeds and accelerations.
/// \par Operation
/// This module operates by computing a step time in milliseconds. The step
/// time is recomputed after each step and after speed and acceleration
/// parameters are changed by the caller. The time of each step is recorded in
/// milliseconds. The run() function steps the motor if a new step is due.
/// The run() function must be called frequently until the motor is in the
/// desired position, after which time run() will do nothing.
/// \par Positioning
/// Positions are specified by a signed long integer. At
/// construction time, the current position of the motor is consider to be 0. Positive
/// positions are clockwise from the initial position; negative positions are
/// anticlockwise. The curent position can be altered for instance after
/// initialization positioning.
/// \par Caveats
/// This is an open loop controller: If the motor stalls or is oversped,
/// AccelStepper will not have a correct
/// idea of where the motor really is (since there is no feedback of the motor's
/// real position. We only know where we _think_ it is, relative to the
/// initial starting point).
/// The fastest motor speed that can be reliably supported is 1000 steps per
/// second (1 step every millisecond). However any speed less than that down
/// to very slow speeds (much less than one per second) are supported,
/// provided the run() function is called frequently enough to step the
/// motor whenever required.
class AccelStepper
/// Constructor. You can have multiple simultaneous steppers, all moving
/// at different speeds and accelerations, provided you call their run()
/// functions at frequent enough intervals. Current Position is set to 0, target
/// position is set to 0. MaxSpeed and Acceleration default to 1.0.
/// The motor pins will be initialised to OUTPUT mode during the
/// constructor by a call to enableOutputs().
/// \param[in] pins Number of pins to interface to. 1, 2 or 4 are
/// supported. 1 means a stepper driver (with Step and Direction pins)
/// 2 means a 2 wire stepper. 4 means a 4 wire stepper.
/// Defaults to 4 pins.
/// \param[in] pin1 Arduino digital pin number for motor pin 1. Defaults
/// to pin 2. For a driver (pins==1), this is the Step input to the driver. Low to high transition means to step)
/// \param[in] pin2 Arduino digital pin number for motor pin 2. Defaults
/// to pin 3. For a driver (pins==1), this is the Direction input the driver. High means forward.
/// \param[in] pin3 Arduino digital pin number for motor pin 3. Defaults
/// to pin 4.
/// \param[in] pin4 Arduino digital pin number for motor pin 4. Defaults
/// to pin 5.
AccelStepper(uint8_t pins = 4, uint8_t pin1 = 2, uint8_t pin2 = 3, uint8_t pin3 = 4, uint8_t pin4 = 5);
/// Constructor. You can have multiple simultaneous steppers, all moving
/// at different speeds and accelerations, provided you call their run()
/// functions at frequent enough intervals. Current Position is set to 0, target
/// position is set to 0. MaxSpeed and Acceleration default to 1.0.
/// Any motor initialization should happen before hand, no pins are used or initialized.
/// \param[in] forward void-returning procedure that will make a forward step
/// \param[in] backward void-returning procedure that will make a backward step
AccelStepper(void (*forward)(), void (*backward)());
/// Set the target position. The run() function will try to move the motor
/// from the current position to the target position set by the most
/// recent call to this function.
/// \param[in] absolute The desired absolute position. Negative is
/// anticlockwise from the 0 position.
void moveTo(long absolute);
/// Set the target position relative to the current position
/// \param[in] relative The desired position relative to the current position. Negative is
/// anticlockwise from the current position.
void move(long relative);
/// Poll the motor and step it if a step is due, implementing
/// accelerations and decelerations to achive the ratget position. You must call this as
/// fequently as possible, but at least once per minimum step interval,
/// preferably in your main loop.
/// \return true if the motor is at the target position.
boolean run();
/// Poll the motor and step it if a step is due, implmenting a constant
/// speed as set by the most recent call to setSpeed().
/// \return true if the motor was stepped.
boolean runSpeed();
/// Sets the maximum permitted speed. the run() function will accelerate
/// up to the speed set by this function.
/// \param[in] speed The desired maximum speed in steps per second. Must
/// be > 0. Speeds of more than 1000 steps per second are unreliable.
void setMaxSpeed(float speed);
/// Sets the acceleration and deceleration parameter.
/// \param[in] acceleration The desired acceleration in steps per second
/// per second. Must be > 0.
void setAcceleration(float acceleration);
/// Sets the desired constant speed for use with runSpeed().
/// \param[in] speed The desired constant speed in steps per
/// second. Positive is clockwise. Speeds of more than 1000 steps per
/// second are unreliable. Very slow speeds may be set (eg 0.00027777 for
/// once per hour, approximately. Speed accuracy depends on the Arduino
/// crystal. Jitter depends on how frequently you call the runSpeed() function.
void setSpeed(float speed);
/// The most recently set speed
/// \return the most recent speed in steps per second
float speed();
/// The distance from the current position to the target position.
/// \return the distance from the current position to the target position
/// in steps. Positive is clockwise from the current position.
long distanceToGo();
/// The most recently set target position.
/// \return the target position
/// in steps. Positive is clockwise from the 0 position.
long targetPosition();
/// The currently motor position.
/// \return the current motor position
/// in steps. Positive is clockwise from the 0 position.
long currentPosition();
/// Resets the current position of the motor, so that wherever the mottor
/// happens to be right now is considered to be the new position. Useful
/// for setting a zero position on a stepper after an initial hardware
/// positioning move.
/// \param[in] position The position in steps of wherever the motor
/// happens to be right now.
void setCurrentPosition(long position);
/// Moves the motor to the target position and blocks until it is at
/// position. Dont use this in event loops, since it blocks.
void runToPosition();
/// Runs at the currently selected speed until the target position is reached
/// Does not implement accelerations.
boolean runSpeedToPosition();
/// Moves the motor to the new target position and blocks until it is at
/// position. Dont use this in event loops, since it blocks.
/// \param[in] position The new target position.
void runToNewPosition(long position);
/// Disable motor pin outputs by setting them all LOW
/// Depending on the design of your electronics this may turn off
/// the power to the motor coils, saving power.
/// This is useful to support Arduino low power modes: disable the outputs
/// during sleep and then reenable with enableOutputs() before stepping
/// again.
void disableOutputs();
/// Enable motor pin outputs by setting the motor pins to OUTPUT
/// mode. Called automatically by the constructor.
void enableOutputs();
/// Forces the library to compute a new instantaneous speed and set that as
/// the current speed. Calls
/// desiredSpeed(), which can be overridden by subclasses. It is called by
/// the library:
/// \li after each step
/// \li after change to maxSpeed through setMaxSpeed()
/// \li after change to acceleration through setAcceleration()
/// \li after change to target position (relative or absolute) through
/// move() or moveTo()
void computeNewSpeed();
/// Called to execute a step. Only called when a new step is
/// required. Subclasses may override to implement new stepping
/// interfaces. The default calls step1(), step2() or step4() depending on the
/// number of pins defined for the stepper.
/// \param[in] step The current step phase number (0 to 3)
virtual void step(uint8_t step);
/// Called to execute a step using stepper functions (pins = 0) Only called when a new step is
/// required. Calls _forward() or _backward() to perform the step
virtual void step0(void);
/// Called to execute a step on a stepper drover (ie where pins == 1). Only called when a new step is
/// required. Subclasses may override to implement new stepping
/// interfaces. The default sets or clears the outputs of Step pin1 to step,
/// and sets the output of _pin2 to the desired direction. The Step pin (_pin1) is pulsed for 1 microsecond
/// which is the minimum STEP pulse width for the 3967 driver.
/// \param[in] step The current step phase number (0 to 3)
virtual void step1(uint8_t step);
/// Called to execute a step on a 2 pin motor. Only called when a new step is
/// required. Subclasses may override to implement new stepping
/// interfaces. The default sets or clears the outputs of pin1 and pin2
/// \param[in] step The current step phase number (0 to 3)
virtual void step2(uint8_t step);
/// Called to execute a step on a 4 pin motor. Only called when a new step is
/// required. Subclasses may override to implement new stepping
/// interfaces. The default sets or clears the outputs of pin1, pin2,
/// pin3, pin4.
/// \param[in] step The current step phase number (0 to 3)
virtual void step4(uint8_t step);
/// Compute and return the desired speed. The default algorithm uses
/// maxSpeed, acceleration and the current speed to set a new speed to
/// move the motor from teh current position to the target
/// position. Subclasses may override this to provide an alternate
/// algorithm (but do not block). Called by computeNewSpeed whenever a new speed neds to be
/// computed.
virtual float desiredSpeed();
/// Number of pins on the stepper motor. Permits 2 or 4. 2 pins is a
/// bipolar, and 4 pins is a unipolar.
uint8_t _pins; // 2 or 4
/// Arduino pin number for the 2 or 4 pins required to interface to the
/// stepper motor.
uint8_t _pin1, _pin2, _pin3, _pin4;
/// The current absolution position in steps.
long _currentPos; // Steps
/// The target position in steps. The AccelStepper library will move the
/// motor from teh _currentPos to the _targetPos, taking into account the
/// max speed, acceleration and deceleration
long _targetPos; // Steps
/// The current motos speed in steps per second
/// Positive is clockwise
float _speed; // Steps per second
/// The maximum permitted speed in steps per second. Must be > 0.
float _maxSpeed;
/// The acceleration to use to accelerate or decelerate the motor in steps
/// per second per second. Must be > 0
float _acceleration;
/// The current interval between steps in milliseconds.
unsigned long _stepInterval;
/// The last step time in milliseconds
unsigned long _lastStepTime;
// The pointer to a forward-step procedure
void (*_forward)();
// The pointer to a backward-step procedure
void (*_backward)();