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''' A Tkinter Gui Application for running scheduled commands ''' |
# library imports |
import asyncio |
import os |
import serial |
import tkinter as tk |
import tkinter.ttk as ttk |
from enum import Enum |
from datetime import timedelta |
from multiprocessing import Process, Lock |
from tkinter import filedialog |
from tkinter import messagebox |
# local imports |
from .timetable import parse_excel_file, find_arduino_port |
# delay for checking if commands are running on the Arduino |
# delay after connecting to the arduino before a programm can be run |
class ArduinoState(Enum): |
''' State of the current Arduino setup ''' |
not_initialized = 'not_initialized' |
connected = 'connected' |
running = 'running' |
finished = 'finished' |
def arduino_subprocess(lock, com_port, scheduled_commands, **kwargs): |
''' connecting to the Arduiono and running the scheduled commands |
lock: |
Separaion controll between establishing connection and running |
commands. Must be of class multiprocessing.Lock |
com_port: |
port where the Arduino is connected |
scheduled_commands: |
list of .timetable.TimedCommands to run |
**kwargs: |
arguments used to open serial connection |
the most importent one is 'baudrate', defaults to 9600 |
To run the scheduled commands a separate process is used. Otherwise the |
execution of the gui would stop until the commands finish. This would |
lead to an unresponsive gui programm. |
The serial connection is not pickable and therfore the connection to the |
arduino and running the commands must be made in the same process. To |
have a separation between establishing the connection and running the |
commands, a simple lock is used. Before starting the subprocess, the lock |
will be acquired by the main programm and releasing the lock will start |
the commands. |
''' |
# get a custom baudrate or use the default 9600 |
baudrate = kwargs.pop('baudrate', 9600) |
with serial.Serial(com_port, baudrate=baudrate, **kwargs) as connection: |
# use a fresh asyncio event loop every time |
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() |
# wait until the lock is released to start the commands |
lock.acquire() |
try: |
# schedule the commands for execution |
for scheduled_command in scheduled_commands: |
loop.call_later( |
scheduled_command.delta.total_seconds(), |
connection.write, |
scheduled_command.cmd |
) |
# loop should stop one second after last command in list |
timed_loop_stop = scheduled_command.delta + timedelta(seconds=1) |
loop.call_later(timed_loop_stop.total_seconds(), loop.stop) |
# run the loop |
try: |
loop.run_forever() |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
loop.stop() |
loop.close() |
finally: |
lock.release() |
def timedelta_as_str(timedelta): |
''' a nice string output for a timedelta |
shamlessly copied from the original timedelta implementation, but the |
original implementation displays the microseconds always with six |
characters. |
''' |
mm, ss = divmod(timedelta.seconds, 60) |
hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60) |
s = "%d:%02d:%02d" % (hh, mm, ss) |
if timedelta.days: |
def plural(n): |
return n, abs(n) != 1 and "s" or "" |
s = ("%d day%s, " % plural(timedelta.days)) + s |
# microseconds are stored as int between 0 and 999999 inclusive |
s = s + ".%d" % (timedelta.microseconds / 10**5) |
return s |
class FilePanel(tk.Frame): |
''' Tkinter Panel for selecting files ''' |
def __init__(self, parent): |
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent.master) |
self._parent = parent |
self.btn_files = tk.Button( |
self, |
text="Select Excel File", |
command=self._parent.select_files |
) |
self.btn_files.pack(pady=5, padx=5) |
sep = ttk.Separator(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL) |
sep.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X) |
self.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) |
class ParsedCommandsPanel(tk.Frame): |
''' Tkinter Panel displaying the scheduled commands to be run ''' |
def __init__(self, parent): |
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent.master) |
self._parent = parent |
self.label = tk.Label(self) |
self.label.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5, padx=5) |
self.messages = tk.Message(self, text='', font=("Courier", 8)) |
self.messages.pack(fill=tk.X, pady=5, padx=5) |
self.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) |
def set_schedule_text(self, text): |
''' display the scheuled commands to run ''' |
self.messages.config(text=text) |
self.messages.update_idletasks() |
def set_label_text(self, text): |
''' display the filename of the scheduled commands ''' |
self.label.config(text=text) |
self.label.update_idletasks() |
def clear_text(self): |
''' clear all text in this panel ''' |
self.set_schedule_text('') |
self.set_label_text('') |
def show_schedule(self, command_list): |
''' transformes the command list to a textual representation ''' |
times = [timedelta_as_str(cmd.delta) for cmd in command_list] |
commands = [cmd.command for cmd in command_list] |
# search for the longest time text |
max_len_limes = max(len(time_str) for time_str in times) |
# template for each command line |
template = '{delta:<{size}} {cmd}' |
# assemble all lines |
lines = [ |
template.format(delta=delta, size=max_len_limes, cmd=cmd) |
for delta,cmd |
in zip(times, commands) |
] |
# return the text for the command list |
self.set_schedule_text('\n'.join(lines)) |
class ActionPanel(tk.Frame): |
''' Tkinter Panel for the action buttons ''' |
def __init__(self, parent): |
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent.master) |
self._parent = parent |
# different configurations for the 'run' button |
self.btn_config_disabled = { |
'text': 'Run Commands', |
'background': 'SystemButtonFace', |
'activebackground': 'SystemButtonFace', |
'state': 'disabled' |
} |
self.btn_config_wait = { |
'text': 'Connecting', |
'background': 'SystemButtonFace', |
'activebackground': 'SystemButtonFace', |
'state': 'disabled' |
} |
self.btn_config_ready = { |
'text': 'Run Comands', |
'background': 'green', |
'activebackground': 'green', |
'state': 'normal' |
} |
self.btn_config_running = { |
'text': 'Stop Comands', |
'background': 'red', |
'activebackground': 'red', |
'state': 'active' |
} |
ttk.Separator(self, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL).pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) |
self.btn_go = tk.Button( |
self, |
command=self._parent.go_button_clicked, |
**self.btn_config_disabled |
) |
self.btn_go.pack(side=tk.LEFT, pady=5, padx=5) |
self.btn_quit = tk.Button(self, text="Quit", command=self._parent.quit) |
self.btn_quit.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, pady=5, padx=5) |
self.pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.X) |
def update_button_state(self): |
''' update the button state reflecting the state of the Arduino ''' |
if self._parent.arduino_state == ArduinoState.running: |
self.btn_go.config(**self.btn_config_running) |
elif self._parent.arduino_state == ArduinoState.not_initialized: |
self.btn_go.config(**self.btn_config_disabled) |
else: |
# establishing the connection takes some time, show a 'connecting' |
# state and after some time show the 'ready' state |
self.btn_go.config(**self.btn_config_wait) |
self.after(CONNECT_DELAY, self._enable_button) |
self.btn_go.update_idletasks() |
def _enable_button(self): |
''' shows the 'ready' state of the button ''' |
self.btn_go.config(**self.btn_config_ready) |
self.btn_go.update_idletasks() |
class Application(tk.Frame): |
''' The Tkinter application containing the buisiness logic ''' |
def __init__(self, master, available_commands): |
''' initialization |
master: |
tkinter root object |
available_commands: |
list of available commands for the Arduino |
''' |
master.minsize(height=330, width=300) |
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) |
self._master = master |
self.pack(fill=tk.BOTH) |
# the layout sections |
self.file_panel = FilePanel(self) |
self.program_panel = ParsedCommandsPanel(self) |
self.action_panel = ActionPanel(self) |
# properties for the buisiness logic |
self.available_commands = available_commands |
self.scheduled_commands = [] |
self.arduino_process = None |
self.arduino_lock = None |
self._arduino_state = ArduinoState.not_initialized |
self.reset() |
@property |
def arduino_state(self): |
''' property for the current state of the arduino ''' |
return self._arduino_state |
@arduino_state.setter |
def arduino_state(self, new_state): |
''' setter for the arduino state property |
as soon as the property changes, the 'go'-button will be updated |
''' |
self._arduino_state = new_state |
self.action_panel.update_button_state() |
def select_files(self): |
''' selecting a new excel file with scheduled_commands ''' |
# open the file selection dialog |
opts = { |
'initialdir': '~/', |
'filetypes': [('Excel Files', '.xlsx')], |
'multiple': False} |
excel_file = tk.filedialog.askopenfilename(**opts) |
# if no excel file is selected, do nothing |
if not excel_file: |
return |
# reset the application |
self.reset() |
# try to parse the excel file |
self.scheduled_commands = parse_excel_file( |
excel_file, |
self.available_commands |
) |
if self.scheduled_commands: |
# if parsing resultet in a schedule, prepare everything to run |
self.arduino_prepare_process() |
self.program_panel.set_label_text(os.path.basename(excel_file)) |
self.program_panel.show_schedule(self.scheduled_commands) |
def reset(self): |
''' reset the application state ''' |
# stop any connection to the Arduino |
if self.arduino_state in (ArduinoState.running, ArduinoState.connected): |
self.arduino_stop_process() |
self.action_panel.update_button_state() |
self.program_panel.clear_text() |
def go_button_clicked(self): |
''' start scheduled commands or stop the execution ''' |
if self.arduino_state == ArduinoState.running: |
# 'Stop Commands' clicked. |
self.arduino_stop_process() |
self.arduino_prepare_process() |
else: |
# 'Run Commands' clicked. |
# the connection is already established, we just need to release |
# the lock |
self.arduino_lock.release() |
self.arduino_state = ArduinoState.running |
# regular check if the scheduled commands finished |
self.after(CHECK_DELAY, self._check_process) |
def _check_process(self): |
''' checks if the scheduled commands have already finished ''' |
if self.arduino_process: |
if self.arduino_process.is_alive(): |
# still running, recheck after a short delay |
self.after(CHECK_DELAY, self._check_process) |
else: |
# commands finished |
self.arduino_stop_process() |
self.arduino_prepare_process() |
def arduino_stop_process(self): |
''' stops a connected Arduino ''' |
if self.arduino_state != ArduinoState.not_initialized: |
# only do this if a connection was established |
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() |
loop.stop() |
loop.close() |
self.arduino_process.terminate() |
self.arduino_process = None |
self.arduino_lock = None |
self.arduino_state = ArduinoState.not_initialized |
def arduino_prepare_process(self): |
''' open a subprocess setting up the arduino ''' |
# find the com port of the Arduino |
try: |
com_port = find_arduino_port() |
except IOError as e: |
messagebox.showerror('COM Port', 'No Arduino found') |
return |
except serial.SerialException: |
messagebox.showerror('COM Port', 'Could not talk to Arduino') |
return |
# Create a lock and acquire it. This will put the subprocess on hold |
# after establishing the connection. As soon as the lock is released, |
# the scheduled commands will be run |
self.arduino_lock = Lock() |
self.arduino_lock.acquire() |
# start the subprocess for the Arduino connection |
self.arduino_process = Process( |
target=arduino_subprocess, |
args = ( |
self.arduino_lock, |
com_port, |
self.scheduled_commands |
) |
) |
self.arduino_process.start() |
self.arduino_state = ArduinoState.connected |
def quit(self): |
''' stop the programm ''' |
self.arduino_stop_process() |
self._master.destroy() |
def run_application(available_commands, title='Arduino Scheduled Commands'): |
''' run the gui application |
available_commands: |
list of available commands for the Arduino |
title: |
window title bar text |
''' |
# create the Tkinter root and instantiate the application |
root = tk.Tk() |
root.wm_title(title) |
app = Application(master=root, available_commands=available_commands) |
# use app.quit() as callback if the window is closed (with the 'X' button) |
# if an Arduino connection is established, the standard callback does not |
# stop the subprocess and therfore the application would not quit |
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", app.quit) |
# start the application |
app.mainloop() |
try: |
root.destroy() |
except tk.TclError: |
pass |
Reference in new issue