# CPI matplotlib plotting style This library provides a custom plotting style for [matplotlib][mpl] and other libraries building on matplotlib like [pandas][pd] or [seaborn][sns]. The plotting style is set to aproximately the styles described in [our wiki][wiki], more precicely in this [PowerPoint presentation][ppt]. ### Before: ![Default matplotlib style](example_before.png) ### After: ![CPI matplotlib style](example_after.png) ## how to use it Copy the file `cpi.mplstyle` into the directory with your analysis and tell matplotlib to use this style: ```python from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.style.use('./cpi.mplstyle') ``` For usage with other graphing libraries like searborn: ```python from matplotlib import pyplot import seaborn pyplot.style.use('./cpi.mplstyle') ``` Be aware that the `set*` functions of seaborn (like set_theme) might mess with the matplotlib style. The `seaborn.set_palette()` function to change line colors seems to be woring fine ## set as default style To use this style as your default matplotlib style, have a look at the [matplotlib documentation][default] ## how to make changes Please add changes only to the file `custom cpi style.txt`. After modifying the file use `python3 compile.py` to generate a file with custom styles. ## the examples If you are curios on how the examples were created, have a look at the [Jupyter Notebook][jupyter] `example.ipynb`. [mpl]: https://matplotlib.org/ [pd]: https://pandas.pydata.org/ [sns]: https://seaborn.pydata.org/ [wiki]: https://wiki.cpi.imtek.uni-freiburg.de/ScientificWriting [ppt]: https://wiki.cpi.imtek.uni-freiburg.de/ScientificWriting?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=140109-scientific-writing-06-figures-and-figure-captions.pptx [default]: https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/introductory/customizing.html#customizing-with-matplotlibrc-files [jupyter]: https://jupyter.org/