PDF helpers for the work at IMTEK ================================= This package provides some cli commands: - `nameplates` generate a pdf with nameplates - `addruler` adds a blue ruler to a pdf nameplates ---------- Usage: nameplates [OPTIONS] ATTENDEES [LOGO] creates a pdf with name plate cards The attendees file should be a tab separated text file with no headers. Put the company name in the first column, the given name in the second and the last name in the third column, e.g: Hochimin Enterprizes \t Jane \t Doe \n The positioning of the optional logo file can be controlled with the size and adjustment options. Options: -s, --size INTEGER [default: (10 mm)] -y, --adjust_y INTEGER [default: ( 0 mm)] -x, --adjust_x INTEGER [default: ( 0 mm)] --help Show this message and exit. addruler -------- Usage: addruler [OPTIONS] PDF adds a blue ruler overlay to a pdf file Options: --help Show this message and exit.