# s3printlog Generates a report as pdf from a Scienion S3 print log folder. The following packages are required and can be installed via ``pip install -r requirements.txt`` black pandas matplotlib < 3.1 seaborn reportlab openpyxl pyinstaller To build the app use the following command: ``pyinstaller --onefile -i images\program_icon.ico "S3 Print Log Report.spec"`` To have it working on the computer attached to the S3 printer, you need to use a 32 bit python version 3.7 Hint: If pyinstaller throws a "TypeError", you might need to replace a file due to a bug in pyinstaller. - [stackoverflow question on this][1] - [fixed file on github][2] [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54138898/an-error-for-generating-an-exe-file-using-pyinstaller-typeerror-expected-str [2]: https://github.com/Loran425/pyinstaller/commit/14b6e65642e4b07a4358bab278019a48dedf7460