Some helper scripts for the day to day work with Ubuntu in WSL2
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
3.6 KiB

import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
import click
import gitea
GITEA_OWNER = "Safeguard"
GITEA_REPO = "MBP-issues"
DIR_MBP_WORKBOOKS = "/mnt/e/Safeguard MBP Workbooks"
FILE_CHANGELOG = "/mnt/e/Safeguard-MBP-issues/CHANGELOG.txt"
FILE_OUTPUT = "List of FRMs.txt"
RE_ISSUE_CHANGES = re.compile("#(\d+)")
RE_ISSUE_FILENAME = re.compile("Issue (\d+)", re.IGNORECASE)
WORKBOOK_TYPES = ["hyb", "regen", "dry", "qc"]
def connect_to_gitea(url=GITEA_URL):
token = os.getenv("GITEA_SG_FRM_TOKEN")
return gitea.Gitea(url, token)
def get_gitea_issues(url=GITEA_URL, owner=GITEA_OWNER, repo=GITEA_REPO):
client = connect_to_gitea(url)
repo = gitea.Repository.request(client, owner, repo)
return repo.get_issues_state(gitea.Issue.CLOSED)
def get_issue_numbers_from_changelog(filepath=FILE_CHANGELOG):
with Path(FILE_CHANGELOG).open("r") as fh:
# remove starting lines
for line in fh:
if line.startswith("v3"):
# this are now the changes, until a blank line occures
issues = set()
for line in fh:
if not line.strip():
results = ( for r in RE_ISSUE_CHANGES.finditer(line))
# hash_stripped = (issue[1:] for issue in results)
issues.update(int(issue) for issue in results)
return issues
def _issue_and_type_from_file_path(file_path):
raw_issue =
issue = int(
rest, raw_kind = file_path.stem.rsplit(" ", 1)
kind = raw_kind.lower()
if kind == "reg":
kind = "regen"
if kind not in WORKBOOK_TYPES:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown workbook type: {}")
return issue, kind
def get_frms(issues, workbook_dir=DIR_MBP_WORKBOOKS):
directory = Path(DIR_MBP_WORKBOOKS)
search_result = directory.glob("**/*.docx")
visible = (i for i in search_result if not i.stem.startswith("."))
file_paths = (i for i in visible if i.is_file())
result = {}
for file_path in file_paths:
if file_path.parent == directory:
issue, kind = _issue_and_type_from_file_path(file_path)
except ValueError():
if issue in issues:
item = result.setdefault(issue, dict.fromkeys(WORKBOOK_TYPES, ""))
item[kind] =
return result
def process(
gitea_issues = get_gitea_issues(url, owner, repo)
closed_issues = {i.number: i.title for i in gitea_issues}
change_issues = get_issue_numbers_from_changelog(changes)
frm_issues = get_frms(change_issues)
for issue, info in frm_issues.items():
info["title"] = closed_issues.get(issue, "")
return frm_issues
def write(frms, output_path=FILE_OUTPUT):
with Path(output_path).open("w") as fh:
for issue in sorted(frms.keys()):
frm = frms[issue]
title = frm["title"]
fh.write(f"Issue {issue}: {title}\n")
for kind in WORKBOOK_TYPES:
frm_file_name = frm[kind]
if frm_file_name:
fh.write(f" - {frm_file_name}\n")
@click.option("-o", "--output", default=FILE_OUTPUT)
def cli(output=FILE_OUTPUT):
frms = process()
write(frms, output)