Some helper scripts for the day to day work with Ubuntu in WSL2
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

76 lines
2.6 KiB

import click
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from ._natural_sort import natural_sort
DEVELOPER_DRIVE = Path("/mnt/e/")
PATH_WIN_DESKTOP = Path("/mnt/c/Users/Holgi/Desktop")
TODAY ="%y%m%d")
def _folder_content(folder):
nondotted = (i for i in folder.iterdir() if not i.stem.startswith("."))
return (i for i in nondotted if not i.stem.startswith("~"))
def _files_in_folder(folder, suffix):
files = (f for f in _folder_content(folder) if f.is_file())
return (f for f in files if f.suffix == suffix)
def get_latest_version(parent=PATH_ISSUES):
folders = (i for i in _folder_content(parent) if i.is_dir())
versions = natural_sort( for f in folders if f.stem.lower().startswith("v"))
return versions[-1]
def copy_changelog(destination, date, latest):
textfiles = _files_in_folder(PATH_ISSUES, ".txt")
changelog = next(f for f in textfiles if f.stem.lower().startswith("change"))
new_path = destination / f"{date}_CHANGELOG_{latest}.txt"
print(, "->", new_path)
shutil.copyfile(changelog, new_path)
def copy_workbook_changelogs(destination, date, latest):
source = PATH_ISSUES / latest
textfiles = _files_in_folder(source, ".txt")
logs = (f for f in textfiles if f.stem.lower().startswith("change"))
for log_file in logs:
parts = log_file.stem.split("_")
if parts[-1] == latest:
new_path = destination / f"{date}_{}"
new_path = destination / f"{date}_{log_file.stem}_{latest}.txt"
print(, "->", new_path)
shutil.copyfile(log_file, new_path)
def copy_workbooks(destination, date, latest):
for excel_file in _files_in_folder(PATH_WORKBOOKS, ".xlsx"):
new_path = destination / f"{date}_{excel_file.stem}_{latest}.xlsx"
print(, "->", new_path)
shutil.copyfile(excel_file, new_path)
def cli():
latest = get_latest_version()
new_folder_name = f"{TODAY} {latest}"
new_folder_path = PATH_WIN_DESKTOP / new_folder_name
if new_folder_path.exists():
raise IOError(f"Folder exists on desktop: {new_folder_name}")
copy_workbooks(new_folder_path, TODAY, latest)
copy_workbook_changelogs(new_folder_path, TODAY, latest)
copy_changelog(new_folder_path, TODAY, latest)