""" Sensospot Data Parser
Parsing the numerical output from Sensovations Sensospot image analysis.
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, Optional
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element as ElementType
import numpy
import pandas
from defusedxml import ElementTree
from . import columns
PathLike = Union[str, pathlib.Path]
def _search_params_file(folder: PathLike) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]:
"""searches for a exposure settings file in a folder
folder: directory to search
returns: the path to the settings file or None
folder_path = pathlib.Path(folder)
params_folder = folder_path / "Parameters"
if not params_folder.is_dir():
return None
param_files = list(params_folder.glob("**/*.svexp"))
if len(param_files) == 1:
return param_files[0]
return None
def _get_channel_data(channel_node: ElementType) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""parses the information from an xml node of the channel settings
channel_node: the xml node of the channel settings
returns: dict with the information
# child.tag == "ChannelConfig1"
exposure_id = int(channel_node.tag[-1])
# channel_description == "[Cy3|Cy5] Green"
description = channel_node.attrib["Description"]
exposure_channel = description.rsplit(" ", 1)[-1]
# floats can be used for exposure times, not only ints
exposure_time = float(channel_node.attrib["ExposureTimeMs"])
return {
columns.EXPOSURE_ID: exposure_id,
columns.PARAMETERS_CHANNEL: exposure_channel.lower(),
columns.PARAMETERS_TIME: exposure_time,
def _parse_measurement_params(params_file: PathLike) -> pandas.DataFrame:
"""parses the cannel informations from a settings file
params_file: path to the settings file
returns: pandas DataFrame with the parsed information
file_path = pathlib.Path(params_file)
with file_path.open("r") as file_handle:
tree = ElementTree.parse(file_handle)
data = [_get_channel_data(child) for child in tree.find("Channels")]
return pandas.DataFrame(data)
def get_measurement_params(folder: PathLike) -> Optional[pandas.DataFrame]:
"""searches the settings file and returns the parameters
folder: path to the folder with the measurement data
returns: pandas DataFrame with the parsed parameters or None
params_file = _search_params_file(folder)
if params_file is not None:
return _parse_measurement_params(params_file)
return None
def add_measurement_parameters(
measurement: pandas.DataFrame, folder: PathLike
) -> pandas.DataFrame:
"""adds measurement params to the data frame, if they could be parsed
The returned DataFrame will contain two more columns for parsed time and
channel from the parameters file.
If the parameters could not be found, parsed or do not match up with the
measurement data, the additional collumns will contain NaN.
measurement: the parsed measurement data
returns: the measurement data with parameters added
params = get_measurement_params(folder)
if params is not None:
params_exposures = params[columns.EXPOSURE_ID].unique()
data_exposures = measurement[columns.EXPOSURE_ID].unique()
if set(data_exposures) == set(params_exposures):
return measurement.merge(
params, how="left", on=columns.EXPOSURE_ID
# only executing if the parameters were not merged to the data frame
measurement[columns.PARAMETERS_CHANNEL] = numpy.nan
measurement[columns.PARAMETERS_TIME] = numpy.nan
return measurement